California's Garden Water Fountain Analysis and Results

The first implementation of a sugary drinks tax in the US came in February 2014, when it was passed by the city of Berkley, California. The taxation is thought to reduce sugary drink intake and improve the consumption of healthier beverages, like water from fountains. Research was conducted to find out the status of local drinking water fountains and whether individuals from different racial or economic backgrounds had less access to them. The study utilized a GPS app to collect data on current water fountains in the (these details) city. Researchers then used US Census data to find out even more about the economic and racial elements that impacted the city. Comparisons were made amongst the location and demographic data, exposing whether class differences affected availability to clean, working water fountains. The research was able to determine the demographics of areas with water fountains, also noting whether the state of the fountains was greater or worse in lower class neighborhoods. The fact that the fountains were working was not a guarantee that they were well-maintained, considering quite a few were in need of cleaning and repair.

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